Thursday, February 19, 2009

Congrats to Ike!

Last week Ike came home and told me that he had something we needed to talk about....He made it sound so serious I got concerned....but come to find out the bank had offered him a promotion!!! YAH...I know he is my husband and I am partial but I really think Ike works hard and is great with customers. This caught him completely off guard but we are super excited! He will now be the Deposit Specialist for Mississippi (I think that is right). I am so excited for him and I know he will be great even though he is nervous! :)


Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

Yay!! We are so proud and happy for yall! Ike deserves it! He busts his butt for that bank!

mrschristi said...

Congrats to Ike! We're proud of you!