Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our little family!

Just sharing a picture of our little family. Buster has gotten SOO big...even the vet said he is bigger than she expected...but Ike says he is still the baby! He is going through his teenage years I do believe...he loves playing with his cousin Bailey (Amanda and Jason's puppy) or any little kids... he loves them ..maybe because they are more his size. And he LOVES those rawhide bones....but is not quite as demanding of our attention anymore. I told Ike I will be sad when our children go through this :( He is a sweet puppy and still needs enough attention to keep us from wanting anymore children right now.


Amanda said...

Cute Family!! Love it!

Welcome to the Shit Show! said...

You are so funny! I love this picture! Maybe now Mackenzie and Buster can play since he was scared of her when he was tiny! :)

Samantha said...

Go to layout section. Add a gadget. Click on blog list. I think you are going to have to type all of those addresses in again (not sure). Luckily, when I started my blog, Blogger had just created that new style for the blog list. It is the best thing and saves me so much time! I love it.. I hope this helps.. Let me know if you need anything else.