Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Life with 2

Having two is hard. .
Most days every day, I am pretty sure I am totally blowing it. 
Mommy guilt has quadrupled…how in the world to balance a toddler who needs or wants my undivided attention with a newborn…

I am exhausted.  The other day I wanted to just go soak in the tub while the boys were napping (at the same time which is rare).  I had to rethink this when I arrived at the tub and it is full of toys…was it really worth it…. 
My hair rarely even gets dried these days and never curled.
Holding on to about 30lbs of baby weight…too tired to care just yet.

BUT all that being said moments like this really put it all into prospective. 

Our days can be hard, but boy are they worth it. 

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