- Weight- I have no idea! I don't think it has changed very much. You do seem a bit taller. Your little legs are so short.
- You are pretty much a full time walker these days. You are still a little unsteady but you are not at all interested in crawling.
- We love how animated you are. Everyone comments on all the noises and faces you make.
- Definitely letting us know what you want mostly by grunting.
- It is almost impossible to get a diaper on you. You try to roll over the entire time. You love to be naked.
- Moved to the big boy seat and you seem much happier. I think you would love facing forward but mom is sticking to backwards.
- Obsessed with opening and closing doors
- Can't stand anything blowing on your face
- Much more engaged in your toys. You love putting things in stuff. Daddy found a few toys in his boot the other day.
- You had an ear infection this month and you got 4 teeth so it was a bit challenging. You had a hard time sleeping. I think we are back on track now. I also think you are realizing more now that we are gone during the night and want us to come into your room. We had to do a few crying it out spells, but you are awesome so they were not long at all. I think I was more of the problem than anything by coming in to give you a bottle at night and putting you down asleep. We switched that up and always put you down awake which seems to be helping.
- Still LOVE your paci.
- Doing better with a cup
- Much more picky about what you will eat these days
- LOVE your daddy! I love seeing your face when he comes in at night!
I can't believe the next post will be for your FIRST birthday!!! We love you so much sweet boy!

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